Change Components

The big idea in this Chapter: Most people want to change, but fail—not because they are not trying but because they are not training properly.

  • The first component of change is to adopt the narratives of Jesus regarding God—to come to know the God Jesus knows. And I would add: and also the stories the Bible tells about us. Believing true things about God and ourselves is the first step towards renewing our minds.

  • The second component of change, the spiritual disciplines, should be seen as wisdom, not righteousness. They do not earn us favor with God; rather, they are means of training and shaping our souls. This is a key insight.

  • The third component of change is participation in community. We need the help and support of others in our journey toward Christlikeness. We were never meant to do it alone.

Transformation requires the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives, working through the three components of change and other means.

Key Verse: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. -- James 1:22

Soul Training:

According to James Bryan Smith, the number one enemy of Christian spiritual formation is exhaustion. In the 1850s the average American slept 9.5 hours a night. By 1950 that number dropped to eight hours a night. Today the average American sleeps under seven hours. A study was done by the National Institute of Mental Health which allowed participants to sleep as much as they could and on average they slept 8.5 hours and stated they felt happier, more creative, and energetic.

This week, at least one day, sleep until you cannot sleep any more. If you can’t do that, aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep at least 3 times this week.


  • Go to sleep at a consistent time each night

  • Try not to engage in activities that increase stress right before bedtime

  • If you are affected by caffeine avoid it in the evening

  • Do not force yourself to fall asleep. If you need to, read a book, listen to soft music, etc.

  • If you awaken in the middle of the night, stay in bed. Give your body a chance to fall back asleep


God is Good


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